

Version: 1.1.5 AppVersion: latest

Mikrotik (RouterOS) exporter for Prometheus metics



Name Email Url

Source Code


Kubernetes: >=1.16.0-0

Repository Name Version common 4.5.2


Key Type Default Description”mktxp.conf” string "## Copyright (c) 2020 Arseniy Kuznetsov\n##\n## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n##\n## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n## GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n\n[Sample-Router]\n enabled = False # turns metrics collection for this RouterOS device on / off\n\n hostname = localhost # RouterOS IP address\n port = 8728 # RouterOS IP Port\n\n username = username # RouterOS user, needs to have 'read' and 'api' permissions\n password = password\n\n use_ssl = False # enables connection via API-SSL servis\n no_ssl_certificate = False # enables API_SSL connect without router SSL certificate\n ssl_certificate_verify = False # turns SSL certificate verification on / off\n\n installed_packages = True # Installed packages\n dhcp = True # DHCP general metrics\n dhcp_lease = True # DHCP lease metrics\n\n connections = True # IP connections metrics\n connection_stats = False # Open IP connections metrics\n\n pool = True # Pool metrics\n interface = True # Interfaces traffic metrics\n\n firewall = True # IPv4 Firewall rules traffic metrics\n ipv6_firewall = False # IPv6 Firewall rules traffic metrics\n ipv6_neighbor = False # Reachable IPv6 Neighbors\n\n poe = True # POE metrics\n monitor = True # Interface monitor metrics\n netwatch = True # Netwatch metrics\n public_ip = True # Public IP metrics\n route = True # Routes metrics\n wireless = True # WLAN general metrics\n wireless_clients = True # WLAN clients metrics\n capsman = True # CAPsMAN general metrics\n capsman_clients = True # CAPsMAN clients metrics\n\n user = True # Active Users metrics\n queue = True # Queues metrics\n\n remote_dhcp_entry = None # An MKTXP entry for remote DHCP info resolution (capsman/wireless)\n\n use_comments_over_names = True # when available, forces using comments over the interfaces names\n\n check_for_updates = False # check for available ROS updates\n"  
configmap.config.enabled bool true  
env object See below environment variables. See more environment variables in the cyberchef documentation.
env.TZ string "UTC" Set the container timezone
image.pullPolicy string "Always" image pull policy
image.repository string "" image repository
image.tag string chart.appVersion image tag
ingress.main.enabled bool false  
metrics object {"enabled":true,"serviceMonitor":{"interval":"30s","labels":{},"scrapeTimeout":"20s"}} ServiceMonitor to tell to prometheus to scrape metrics
persistence object See values.yaml Configure persistence settings for the chart under this key. (none required for this chart)
service object See values.yaml Configures service settings for the chart.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2